Friday 22 August 2014

Home Sweet/Strange/Super Home

I loved writing this blog and it's great to know that so many others have loved reading it. Though I had no intention of continuing to post after my big trip, I had every intention of continuing to travel, so why not keep it up? 

I'll start with home. The strangest part of coming home was how much I enjoyed it. I really thought that after such a remarkable experience around the world, England just wouldn't do it for me. But I was wrong; my first few weeks have been non-stop amazing.

Though this has largely been down to my incredible friends and family, I think I've found a whole new appreciation for England as a country too. First off it was the efficiency of everything which made me smile; meals served at the same time, buses arriving when they're supposed to, crossing a road without risking your life. I can't say I exactly missed these luxuries whilst tackling the uselessness of all things South American, but I'm not complaining about having them back either. For now at least, it's nice to be able to rely on the promises of a country which has so much promise! 

Considering we're such a tiny little island, England makes a pretty awesome attempt at having almost everything. In Berkshire where I grew up, you feel as though you're in the midst of the countryside, lost amongst endless rows of fields and yet if you follow them for a few minutes, you'll find yourself in town. A few miles more, and you'll end up in London!

For years I could never understand why tourists would come to London for a holiday but now I completely get it. There's no other city like it which is so rich in culture but has successfully combined its old, authentic roots with new, quirky and modern fixtures. The fusion between the two makes it absolutely fascinating and I can now amuse myself for hours simply wandering from place to place, allowing that spectacular skyline to sink in. 

And whilst the rest of England might have everything, London redefines the very meaning of the word by continually expanding the realms of possibility. Pop-up shops, spinning restaurants, rooftop golf, an artificial beach; if you've imagined it, London's installed it. Though it could quite easily have counted on the glory of its classic attractions, it has taken a rather different stance and instead experiments with new innovations to capture the curiosity of future crowds.

Above all though, London emanates hope. Few other cities are so overwhelmed with opportunity and I'm thankful to have been born in a country which has allowed me to achieve so much not only within it, but elsewhere in the world too. In the wonderful words of Jamie Cullen:

 'You know the sunlight always shines,
Behind the clouds of London skies'

Even on the greyest of days, England is bright, beautiful and full of hope, and I feel very fortunate to call it home. 

That said, home will always be here so I'm making the most of my last month of freedom by travelling a little around the rest of Europe. Two weeks was the perfect length of time to catch up with loved ones and secure a job back in London and now I'm off to explore the continent!

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